Traiteurs: The Traditional Cajun French Folk Healers in the 21st Century
Friday, April 4th
11:30AM – 12:15PM
Sliman Theatre, 129 East Main Street

Mary Perrin became a Lafayette Parish, Master Gardener in 2011, and it changed her life, In 2012, she became a member of Vermilionville’s Healer’s Garden Committee and started learning about medicinal plants. As co-chair of the garden she established a speaker series at Vermilionville, Healing Traditions of Acadiana, which is still going strong today. In 2023, Mary co-authored a book with Beverly Fuselier, Healing Traditions of South Louisiana, Prayers, Plants and Poultices, a book about folk healing with special emphasis on the Cajun traiteurs, She is a traiteuse herself. With her husband Warren, she has co-authored three other books
About the event:
Join us for this exciting panel discussion to learn more about what traiteurs do, what they treat and how they go about healing.